Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sprint training week five

Week five is here and is getting harder, but it will be worth it. That is me in the picture in the second lane, running at a meet at University of Florida.

It may be hard to keep doing these workouts week after week, but trust me, in the end it is worth it. Crossing that finish line in the lead is one of the best feelings a sprinter can have.

Whether or not you did a time trial is up to you, but if you did it I want to congratulate you on at least attempting to do one! It is hard to get yourself out there and run at a race pace only racing against yourself. Week five is going to test your endurance your strength. If you feel sore or tight, take extra time to stretch and prepare yourself for the workouts.

Jog two laps around the field, stretch and do drills. Make sure you do the two new drills I added in a recent blog. After drills, make sure you grab some water and get ready to run.

Long sprinters: run 500 meters, walk a 400 for recovery. Run 300 meters, walk a 200 for recovery. Run a 200 meters, walk a 100 for recovery. Run a 100 meters, walk a 400 for recovery. Stetch yourself out and get ready to run 400 meters as fast as you can. Stretch and jog two laps for a cooldown.

Short sprinters: run 300 meters, walk a 200, run 200 meters, walk a 100, run 100 meters, rest for five minutes, then do it two more times.

Both jog two laps around the field, stretch and do drills. Make sure you do the two new drills that I mentioned in a recent blog. After drills, make sure you grab some water and get ready to run.

Long sprinters: run ten 100 meters as fast as you can. Walk 100 meters inbetween.

Short sprinters: run 12 times 100 meters. Walk a 100 inbetween.

Both long and short sprinters warm up and do drills. You do not have to do the two new drills that I have recently mentioned in a new blog. Stretch out and then head to the weight room to do a lower body workout.

Go to a hill somewhere that is safe and mark off 200 meters. Both long and short sprinters run 10 times up a 200 meter hill. If you can not find a hill, go to a gym and put a treadmill on an incline of at least five. Try to make it up the hill in under 35 seconds.

Jog two laps around the field, stretch and do drills, including the two new drills. After drills, make sure you grab some water and get ready to run.

Long sprinters: run 500 meters, rest for 2 minutes, run 300 meters and walk a 400. Do this three times.

Short sprinters: run 300 meters, walk a 200, run 200 meters, walk a 100, run 100 meters, rest for five minutes, then do it two more times.

Make sure you rest this weekend. Week six is going to include weights on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Make sure you get a lot of water and have an active rest. If you feel sore or tight, get up and go for a light jog and stretch yourself out.

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